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6x01 Exile on Main Street Ссылка
When the season starts, Dean's left hunting and "has done his best to make a new life for himself. But Sam's mysteriously out of Hell. He'd love to leave Dean to live a peaceful life--God knows the guy earned it--but he's uncovered something very disturbing and has to pull his brother back into the hunt. And Dean finds the landscape is very different from the one he left." Ссылка
Possible Season Six time jump? [yes/no] Ссылка
Question: I heard that Supernatural was planning a time jump at the beginning of season 6. Is this true? —Tiffiny
Ausiello: No. But I think I know how the rumor got started. Apparently, Jensen Ackles was asked in a recent interview what he would like to see happen next season, and he threw out the idea of a flash-forward. And like a game of telephone, that got turned into “Supernatural is jumping forward!” Could it happen? Sure. Will it happen? That’s yet to be determined. Ссылка
Cast: Misha Collins (Castiel) Ссылка
Cast: Jim Beaver (Bobby Singer) [twitter] Ссылка
Cast: Cindy Sampson (Lisa Braeden) [imdb] Ссылка
Cast: Fred Lehne (as the YED?) Ссылка Ссылка
Cast: Mitch Pileggi (Samuel Campbell) [twitter] Ссылка
Cast: Corin Nemec (Christian Campbell, Sam and Dean's cousin) [twitter] Ссылка [imdb] Ссылка
Casting call: Christian [Campbell, Sam and Dean's cousin]. Late-30s to mid-40s, a recurring role, described as “capable, calm under pressure, and very good at his job,” Christian has a special relationship to Sam and Dean. Ссылка
Casting calls (unconfirmed) Ссылка
Joey: Male, suggest 12 to 13 years. Smart, outgoing and brave. Please denote age next to your suggestions... Guest Star recurring role.
Christian: 40s (suggest late 30s - 40s), capable, he's good at his job and is condescending... Guest Star recurring role.
Gwen: 30s (suggest late 20s - 30s), warm, direct. She tries to lighten things up during a tense situation... Guest Star recurring role.
Mark: The silent type. He may not speak much, but he is observant and approachable...Principal role, possible Guest Star recurring role.
On-set photos + fan report: "from what I could tell, Sam was himself and for some reason driving a Charger.. and has some kind of emotional goodbye/send off with Dean outside of Lisa's house." Ссылка
6x02 Two and a Half Men Ссылка
Casting calls (unconfirmed) Ссылка
6x04 Weekend At Bobby's Ссылка
Director: Jensen Ackles Ссылка
Will be Bobby-centric Ссылка
Cast: Jim Beaver: (Bobby Singer) Ссылка
Cast: Mark Sheppard (Crowley) Ссылка
Cast: Kim Rhodes (Sheriff Jody Mills) [twitter] Ссылка
Cast: Jennifer Aspen [twitter] Ссылка
Cast: Sharon Taylor [facebook] Ссылка
Casting call: Marcy Ward. Described as attractive in a down-to-earth/woman-next-door way, Marcy is a capable homemaker with a crush on her neighbor. Ссылка
On-set photos: Ссылка
Behind-the-scenes photo of Jennifer Aspen [tweetphoto] Ссылка
Behind-the-scenes photo of Sharon Taylor with Jensen Ackles [facebook] Ссылка
Ask Ausiello: "Mitch Pileggi is in talks to reprise his role as Sam and Dean’s presumed-dead grandpa on a potentially recurring basis." Ссылка
Ask Ausiello: "Mitch Pileggi is returning to Supernatural as Sam and Dean’s presumed-dead grandpa [...] on a recurring basis throughout season 6. [...] What brings Gramps back? “For one thing, he’s a Campbell — from Sam and Dean’s mom’s side of the family,” reminds Gamble, “which, unlike their dad’s, has actually been into hunting for a very long time. There’s a whole side of Sam and Dean’s history that they know nothing about. We’ll get to find out a bit about it this season.”" Ссылка
Ackles: "Lisa will return for 1-3 episodes." Ссылка
Mark Sheppard will be returning as Crowley in Season Six. [twitter] Ссылка
SFX: Crowley will be in a lot of season six. There’s also talk of bringing back Death the Horseman, the Trickster, and Ellen and Jo (as ghosts). Chuck, however, will apparently not show up, nor will there be any explanation of his mysterious vanishing act at the end of “Swan Song”. Ссылка
TV GUIDE Magazine Special Comic-Con Edition articles: Ссылка Ссылка
Heaven, Hell and Earth have been shaken up by the apocalypse.
At least one Horseman will return.
Crowley decides he doesn't want to give back Bobby's soul right away, but apparently, Bobby makes him regret it.
Gabriel could return.
The Winchester brothers may split up/work different cases at the same time.
Kali will probably be back, though not right away.
Description of Season Six Ссылка
SUPERNATURAL: Season six will be a season of mystery and shadow. Heaven and Hell have been left in complete disarray since the apocalyptic events of season five. And now, monsters, angels and demons roam across a lawless and chaotic landscape. And so Dean Winchester, who has retired from hunting and sworn never to return, finds himself being pulled back into his old life – pulled back by none other than Sam Winchester, who has escaped from Hell. The two reunite to beat back the rising tide of creatures and demon-spawn, but they quickly realize that neither are who they used to be, their relationship isn’t what it used to be, and that nothing is what it seems.
Jim Beaver (Bobby) and Misha Collins (Castiel) will be returning in Season Six Ссылка
Misha Collins will be a series regular, but not in every episode [twitpic] Ссылка
Gamble: "next season deals with life after the Apocalypse. “We will have lots of meat-and-potatoes closed-ended episodes, and we also have a season-long story arc to weave in" Ссылка
Kripke: "the great undiscovered country of Supernatural is kind of right in front of our face: creatures and monsters. We have had so many creature episodes but we haven’t actually explained where they came from—[similar] to the way we have explored angels and demons." Ссылка
Kripke: "[Grandpa/Mitch Pileggi]’s representative of the other side of this exploration, which is that Sam and Dean have a family of hunters that they never knew they had. Their grandfather is the head of that family. Remember, it’s not the Winchesters who are famous hunters, it’s the Campbells. And we are saying that the Campbells are part of a time-line of hunters that have been there since the country’s origins. As Sera put it, they were hacking heads of vampires on the Mayflower." Ссылка
Ask Ausiello: "Eric Kripke assures me that Supernatural will continue to be about the Winchester brothers “on the road together.” That said, Kripke confirms that 'Dean’s situation creates all sorts of angst and conflict. The question [we'll be] exploring is, How can you be a hunter when there are actually people that you care about? I think we will mine it for all of the emotional angst and conflict that we can. But [Lisa] is not — nor is anyone — going to be riding in the backseat of the Impala with Sam or Dean.'" Ссылка
А можно хоть пару слов под морем по- русски для тех, кто ангельского не разумиет?
Не порадовало, что Лиза будет в первых трёх сериях. Как-то многовато... Но на заднем сиденье Импалы ее с братьями точно не будет. Это история о братьях Винчестерах в дороге, и таковой она и останется))) Хотя Лиза и Бен будут тянуть Дина в мирную жизнь - ведь трудно быть охотником, когда есть люди, о которых ты заботишься... Мда, Сэм для Дина явно будет уже не так важен, как Лиза с Беном... Да пусть себе один с чем-то там разбирается, не пропадёт!
А вообще, несправедливость продолжает процветать буйным цветом. А как же Сэм?! Почему ему надо опять барахтаться во всем этом дерьме?! Одному!
Дин по словам Сэры, жил с Лизой год, получется, если Сэм все это время был в клетке (т.е. в аду), значит, он был там как минимум лет так 150. Даже больше, чем пападжон!
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